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Provider Enrollment

Provider Education
6 results returned
  • Healthy Texas Women

    The Healthy Texas Women (HTW) CBT presents information that will provide new and current HTW Program providers and HTW Plus program providers an overview of client eligibility, provider enrollment, services, benefits, and limitations, claims, and helpful resources.

    • Path
    • Duration 31m
  • Medicaid Basics eLearning

    The Medicaid Basics computer-based-training (CBT) is a high-level overview of Medicaid and other state healthcare topics for providers. Resource links included in each topic section guide users to policy information, in-depth training, and documentation to help them expand their knowledge.

    • Path
  • DME Program

    Gain essential knowledge to navigate the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) program. Learn provider enrollment, client eligibility, benefit limits, prior authorizations, service delivery, and more—ensuring seamless support for your Medicaid clients.

    • Path
    • Duration 1h
  • MTP

    This CBT discusses the basics of the MTP, including services offered, how potential MTP providers apply to the program, the claims process, and resources.

    • Path
  • CoCM

    Integrating Behavioral Health Services in Primary Care: Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) in Texas Medicaid modules provide an introduction to CoCM and the team, billing, and other requirements to provide services. This training has been designed to give you the most...

    • Path
  • CSHCN Services Program

    The CSHCN Services Program Training helps providers serve children with special health care needs. It covers clients, benefits, enrollment, responsibilities, authorizations, claims, and appeals. Enhance your service delivery today!

    • Path